Sabine wren
Sabine wren

Due to her love of art and painting, she constantly changed the look and color of her armor and hair. She wore a set of Mandalorian armor that she forged with her family, earning her iconic Starbird helmet in the process. She stood slightly taller than, but by 2 BBY he overgrew her. She was considered to have natural beauty, as Ezra Bridger was smitten by her appearance upon first meeting her. She had slightly fair skin, short natural dark brown hair, and sharp hazel eyes. Throughout her entire life, Sabine's overall appearance changed with her.

  • 2.5.4 Return to the Rebellion and Freeing Alrich.
  • At the end of the battle, she and Bridger were engaged.

    sabine wren

    Sabine was later present at the Battle of Jakku, and witnessed the Empire's last stand. She stayed on Earth for a portion of the war, working with Bridger and the Terrans, and took part in the defense of the planet during the Imperial invasion. Sabine continued to fight for the Rebellion in the Galactic Civil War until she and the Ghost crew were called to Earth in 1 ABY, where she was reunited with Bridger, who joined the Terran Alliance.

    sabine wren

    She later took part in the liberation of Lothal from Imperial occupation that was ultimately successful, but led to Bridger sacrificing himself to save his friends. With help from Bridger, Kanan, and the Mandalorian Protector of Concord Dawn Fenn Rau, Sabine was able to reconcile with her family, and convince them and various other Mandalorian warrior clans to rise up against the Empire. Wren and the Ghost crew later joined the Rebel cell Phoenix Squadron in early 4 BBY, before coming into contact with the former Sith Lord Maul, where she discovered the Darksaber in his possession. She operated mainly around the planet of Lothal were she and the rest of the crew met Ezra Bridger, a Force-Sensitive con artist, who later joined them. By 5 BBY, Sabine was part of the Ghost crew led by former Jedi Padawan Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla.

    Sabine wren